Remote Access and Monitoring Safety

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Saxons Blog

It is common practice for MSP’s to provide remote support to their clients through the use of remote access applications. But, how can you keep yourself protected from nefarious parties using remote support tools for no good? Here, we will outline what you can do to ensure you and your business stays safe.


What is Remote Access?

Remote access is the ability to access another computer or network that isn’t in your physical presence. Using tools such as TeamViewer, AnyDesk, and Splashtop, managed services providers such as Saxons IT can effectively and efficiently provide support to devices from anywhere in the world.


Remote Computer Access Security Tips

Your IT support should never remote access into your device without confirmation

  • Beware of nefarious parties trying to gain remote access to your device. These individuals may attempt to remote into your device without warning. Your IT managed services provider or technical teams should always confirm with you before accessing your device.

Your IT Managed Services Provider should never open your documents without your permission

  • Scammers may open or download files on your device if they gain access, and attempt to collect sensitive information without your consent. You’ll be able to see that your files are being opened if this happens. Your managed services provider should never do this unless given permission, so seeing this activity may indicate the session is by a scammer.

You can cancel the remote access session at any time

  • If you believe the activity is suspicious you can cancel the session by exiting out, you will be able to see the relevant buttons on your screen.


What is Remote Monitoring?

Remote monitoring and management is the process of supervising health, performance, and controlling IT systems by means of locally installed agents. This is so that devices can be accessed and monitored by IT teams. But what does remote monitoring mean for your security? These tools are not designed to monitor user activity – so the online and local activity of your device is not captured. So, what is often involved in remote monitoring? Most monitoring applications would do the following:

  • Collects warranty information of the device
  • Monitors the performance of the device
  • Hardware specifications of the device
    • Name of the device
    • Model
    • Serial Number
    • Manufacturer
    • Processor type
    • Memory available
    • MAC Address
    • Disk capacity information
  • Metric data including:
    • What operating system your device is running
    • What Anti-Virus/Anti-Spyware/Firewall is installed
    • IP Address
  • Allows the remote deployment of patches and updates
    • IT teams can remotely ensure patches and updates for your device are completed to keep the performance of your device the best it can be


Is your business in need of IT managed services such as technical support? Please contact a member of our team today to see how Saxons IT can support your business.

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