Job Hunting Tips: How Has Technology Changed The Job Search

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If you’ve recently found yourself being reintroduced to job hunting in the modern world, you might have realised it’s a little different than what you were once used to. There’s an enormous range of technological possibilities out there that make finding work easier, but also make finding the right candidate easier too.

So, it should come as no surprise to hear that keeping up with the ongoing technological changes to the job search process is more important for job hunting than ever before. With just a little effort you can really boost your potential and give yourself the best chance for success in your job search.

To help you navigate the road ahead, we’ve highlighted our top 6 job hunting tips. Take a look at our list now or simply head over to our Career page if you’d like to read more of our articles.

Your digital footprint could now cost you a job

Once upon a time, your private life remained, well, private. Nowadays, it’s very easy for employers to trawl the internet and learn a lot more about job candidates than ever before.

For example, many companies now have a mandatory Google screening process which involves thoroughly scrutinising every candidate’s digital footprint.

Take the time to update your privacy settings on social media platforms and remove any controversial photos or posts. Many people have a post or photo from their youth that doesn’t need to be remembered or brought back to light.

But, on the other end of the spectrum you can work to increase your exposure online in a positive light. For example, you could purchase a website domain and have it point to an online resume/ your LinkedIn profile.

Don’t underestimate the power of your LinkedIn profile

Having the right LinkedIn profile and connections to go with it can go a long way in your job search. Many professionals utilising LinkedIn to its full potential find that recruiters and hiring managers contact them directly with offers of employment.

The first rule for upping your LinkedIn game is to carefully examine the keywords that are featured throughout your resume. If you have niche or highly prized skills in your repertoire, make sure they’re mentioned more than once. This will help to ensure that your profile stands out when companies use algorithms to trawl through LinkedIn’s 400 million users in search of the right employee.

But, also having the right connections in your network can help you find out when job opportunities open up in your area of work. In addition to this, ask your connections to endorse you for the skills you have.

Computer screens require you to format your resume differently

In today’s world, hiring managers would be very surprised to be reading a paper copy resume. So, expect to get used to navigating your way through online application systems and sending a fair few emails too.

However, this brings on a few challenges when it comes to formatting your resume. Hiring managers are normally very good at scanning through resumes extremely quickly. So, make sure that your formatting is going to allow for quick scanning and get everything you want to say across clearly.

Technology makes working remotely possible

You should no longer feel quite as restricted by an employer’s location when considering your options for work. Technology now makes working remotely from anywhere in the world easy and convenient. Depending on the area you specialise in, remote working could be something that suits you and your employer. Opposed to a daily commute.

Get to know the upcoming growth industries

Technology has given many industries a huge growth spurt. But, there’s a lot of up and coming industries to keep an eye on. With technologies such as Blockchain, AR, VR, and other, expect to see a huge increase in job openings becoming available.

However, that doesn’t mean you should become complacent if you’re job hunting for a new position. Try to identify technology that’s going to create new jobs and get in there earlier than your competitors.

After all, getting hired by a pioneering company is likely to put you in a good position for the foreseeable future.

Grow your online presence

There’s a lot you can do to grow your online presence and significant benefit to be had by doing this. Think about ways to start contributing to the industry sector you work in. This can be by writing articles or blog posts that reflect an interesting, innovative approach. Employers will then be able to see tangible evidence that you really understand your field of work. Improving your appeal as someone they should hire.

Looking for more job hunting tips to help put you in the best possible position for new work? For more job search tips and tricks, get in touch with us today.

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